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Find your answers within

Ready to build a healthy relationship with yourself, strengthen connection with your authentic self and feel more confident to create a life you love ?

About Me

Hi, I’m Agni, an ICF certified Life Personal Coach,

mentor and NLP practitioner. 

You’re not here to live a life that’s just ‘okay’, doing what’s expected of you - just a ‘normal’ and functional life while blending in with others. That’s beyond frustrating! 

You’re here to truly live, blossom into what you haven’t yet even thought of and to get more from life. To experience life as YOU, feeling more fulfilled, driven and passionate about what you’re doing because you’re connected with what is authentic to you.

I know you feel you’re meant for more too!

I integrate my own experience of prioritising myself beyond societal expectations, tuning into my feminine energy and levelling up my own life with my background interest in psychology and the mind, extensive coaching expertise and ability to intuitively guide and hold you to connect with yourself and nurture that connection on every level of your life through my unique 1:1 experience. 

My coaching style firstly taps into your energy. From there I use my extensive experience with coaching & psychological practices as well as NLP tools to guide you through your coaching experience with high levels of support. I  tailor everything to your individual needs, ensuring the most effective results as you move closer to finding the answers within yourself, becoming more confident and finding true fulfilment!

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About Me

My Story

I have always been interested in the human mind, soul and self-development. At some point I even wanted to study psychology but it felt too focused in the past. Back then coaching wasn't a thing yet so I decided to choose nature related studies hoping to get more knowledge and wisdom from plants and the Earth.


When I became a mother more than 10 years ago everything changed and I felt a bit lost in some of my old ways and I really wanted to move forward and open to new perspectives. So, I went through a year of self-development program and hired my personal life coach. It was the best decision I made as I found myself back and opened up to what was already within me.


Through my own inner work that I continue to that day and beyond, learning and my everyday practice that I find invaluable, here I am now helping others, like you, to connect with yourself and nurture that connection on every level of your life.


Why You Would Want to Work With Me...

During our work I use my light to shine on your places that need your attention, love, embrace, acceptance, healing or simply dissolving. I help you to strip from the limiting beliefs and blocks that prevent you from getting to the place that is really yours.


With a loving, non-judgmental approach I create a safe and powerful healing space so we can get to the core and strip down the blockages within you as well as tap into these places within you that need softening and lightening them so that you can connect with your essence.


I connect with my intuition and my heart when working with you so that I can stay in my light and access my wisdom. 


While working with me you will feel a gentle touch of your heart. It is a touch of heart that takes you deep inside where you can find your answers that will come to life in my presence. 


This is my gift in service of the light.


I will guide you gently by listening and asking questions that can trigger insights and realizations. 


To work with me means transforming your life on different levels.


What I do in my work is more than transformational coaching.. I teach you to trust.


‘You have all the answers within you


I am here to help you to find them’




My Experience

*I have 1000+ coaching hours of experience (level of Master Coach) working with a variety of clients and different needs  


Usual themes of work with my clients but not limited to are:

  • Confidence, self-worth and self-acceptance

  • Relationships

  • Professional career and leadership

  • Limiting beliefs and accessing your personal freedom 

  • Mindset

  • Spirituality


*I am Certified professional Life Coach with ICF accredited Academy as well as a Certified Insight Coach by ACTO accredited Academy.

*I am also an NLP Practitioner and Access Bars Practitioner

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Happy Clients

Domini Stone (Energy Healer/Holistic Therapist)

James Kelly (Teacher & Business Owner)

Agni's gentle, warm, wise and encouraging approach helps you to explore and open up to your own unique possibilities and potential, in a safe and positive space. Her special gift of listening with Grace, patience and understanding and mirroring back to you exactly what you need to hear, at that time, guides you to find your own answers and solutions, helping you to take the steps forward in your life and on your journey.

Laura Clifford (Business Founder/ Owner)

What drew me to you was that you were approachable and incredibly kind. You supported me throughout and were knowledgeable and flexible in the ways we worked and what we worked on. It was totally tailor made. You’re a very insightful and emotionally intelligent human and I’m very lucky to have you in my life. 

Sara Laczynski (Teacher & Entrepreneur)

It has been wonderful working with Agni. She has such a beautiful, calming presence. She is a true listener and has a fantastic ability to hear what is behind my words to help bring new ideas and perspectives forward. She has been such an incredible help in my life and I can't recommend her enough!

I have had a coach before, but I gained real transformation working with Agni. She is intuitive, honest, open, gentle, and has a way of getting to the heart of a matter with finesse and love. Her support and encouragement in the times between our sessions kept me motivated, energised, and accountable in accomplishing what I wanted and reaching goals. It has been just amazing working with her.

Thank you so much, Agni!

I had the privilege of working with Agni. Our work together was healing for me. It gave me the opportunity to observe my thoughts and create some form of overview from these observations.

She allowed for a looseness on the calls, while maintaining a focus.

Overall, I feel I let go and surrendered to the process and came away with a softer, more gentle approach to life in general. She cares. She is understanding. She holds a lovely, gentle space where I feel confident enough to express how I feel, good or bad. I always feel inspired after our calls. She is intuitive and listens deeply. There is something about how she listens that encourages me to open up more. She is fun-loving and we are never too far away from a laugh. I feel the work we do is based around developing a way of being that is in harmony with life, which naturally allows for flow and love. Thank you!

Rachael E. (Leading Professional in Finances)

I've thoroughly enjoyed working with Agni over the last months as she has supported and guided me through a significant and transformative phase in my life. Agni has a calming and gentle energy, whilst being highly intuitive and filled with light - always leaving me like gold after each session! She also has an incredible gift of helping you see things you couldn't see and pulls insights and realizations from your mind so easily, which is why she is such a fantastic coach! The end result, with my own hard work and dedication, and with the wonderful support and work of Agni, is that I've achieved more that I could ever have imagined during our sessions together and the space in between. Thank you so much Agni, so grateful!

Dennika Sharan (Entrepreneur/Business Owner)

I have had the incredible opportunity to work with Agni! She has a way of seeing you without judgement that is so loving and kind. She coaches from the heart, and I feel it every time. She has this way of pointing out themes, and at the same time acknowledging the growth within those themes. I have learned how to tune into my heart space and keep it on without guarding it from a place of fear. I been able to face deep wounds and heal them. Who knows how much I'd still be refusing to see and how much growth I would halted without her gentle coaching. I highly recommend having Agni as a coach if you are looking for deep change within and a ready to do the work!


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“Some people come along that help but others leave a lifelong impact" 

Testimonial by Carmelida K.

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